piątek, 27 lipca 2012

The invisible reflection

'visible distance', acrylic on canvas, 2012 

 Odbicie o 360°

Odbiło się i wróciło do mnie


W rozpędzonej szybie w strefie ograniczonej prędkości
Warszawa śródmieście
W źrenicy dostrzegam wczorajsze Prosecco
Dłonie zlepione sokiem grejpfruta
Odruchowo przeczesujące włosy
Zgubiły pewność siebie
Na chwile
Po tym uśmiechu
Zapomniałem że to było wczoraj
Teraz z za kierownicy Porsche
Na czerwonym świetle
Twój profil
I moja cisza
W tylnym lusterku


Lewą ręką zasłaniam twarz przed ostrym słońcem
Prawą ręką szukając w torbie okularów
Znalazłem papierosy
Sygnał centralnego zamku
Rozpoczął piosenkę „Secret” Madonny
Zwiększając tępo
Zostawiam za sobą
Rozpędzam zobojętnienie
Pod samą witrynę galerii handlowej
Stoję sam przed sobą pośród manekinów
Z najnowszą kolekcją Caroliny Herrery
I dalej nie wiem czy był to aksamit czy atłas z domieszką
W dotyku myliłem go z włóczką
A Twój ton nie wyprowadzał mnie z błędu
Jego koloru już nie pamiętam
Za to
Pamiętam splot nitki
Napawał mnie spokojem
I wydawał się nie mieć końca
Zakładając go wchodziłem w Twoją skórę
Na moment nie byłem sobą


Do przymierzalni
Zabrałem stertę swetrów
Każdy z nich
Był inny
W każdym podkreślałem
Innego siebie
Za 599 zł wybrałem kogoś innego
Dziękujemy za dokonany zakup zapraszamy ponownie
Na dziale z prasą
Marc Jacobs prezentuje swoje przedłużane polo
A mnie bardziej interesuje co tak dobrze utrzymuje jego twarz
Na jednym z tabloidów jego zdjęcie przypomniało mi właśnie Ciebie
Jego wzrok
Biała koszula
Poczułem jak fala gorąca oblewa moje spodnie
Kawa rozlała się na cały magazyn
Spływając wprost ze stolika na jeansy
Ich błękitny kolor stał się brunatny
Zapach świeżo parzonej Robusty
Oddał najzupełniej cierpki i mocny smak
Następnej strony
Z męską kolekcją Dolce & Gabbana


360° Reflection

It reflected and came back to me


A glaze
In a hurtled glass in a speed-limit zone
Central Warsaw
In the iris I notice yesterday's Prosecco
Hands sticky with grapefruit juice
Combing hair instinctively
Their lost their self confidence
For a while
After this smile
I forgot that it was yesterday
How behind the wheel of a Porsche
On the red light
Your profile
And my silence
In the review mirror


I am covering my face from the bright sun with the left hand
Looking for glasses in my bag with the right one
I have found cigarettes
Central lock's signal
Starting Madonna's "Secret"
Increasing the tempo
I am leaving behind
A memory
Of abuse
And abundance
I am speeding up the indifference
By the shopping mall's windows
I am standing alone in front of myself amongst showroom dummies
With the newest Carolina Herrera collection
I And I still do not know if it was velvet or satin
Felt like yarn to me                                                                            A sweater
And your voice does not prove me wrong
I cannot remember its colour anymore

I remember the fibre
Used to fill me with peace
Seemed endless
I used to crawl into your skin by putting it on
For a moment I was not myself

To the fitting room
I took some sweaters
Each of them
Was different
Another me
For PLN 599 I chose someone else
Thank you for the purchase, Please come again
In press store
Marc Jacobs presenting his long polo
And I am more interested in what is the thing that keeps his face so well
His photo in one of tabloids reminded me of you
His look
White shirt
I felt a wave of heat on my trousers
Coffee spilled on the whole magazine
Dripping from the table on my jeans
Changing their colour from blue to brown
The scent of freshly roasted Robusta
Same as the bitter and strong taste
Of the next page
With Dolce & Gabbana menswear


wtorek, 29 maja 2012

"beauty becomes more beautiful than beauty, truth becomes truer than truth"

                                                                                                                                                    "On the beach", 100x140, Acrylic on canvas, 2012


   "Shopping", 100x140, Acrylic on canvas, 2012

   "Tabloid", 100x120, Acrylic/tape on canvas, 2012

   "Skin", 70x70, Graphite/acrylic on canvas, 2012

   "Jeans", 70x70, Graphite/acrylic on canvas, 2012

   "Weave", 70x70, Graphite/acrylic on canvas, 2012

..just a moment before starting working on the next picture

"beauty becomes more beautiful than beauty, truth becomes truer than truth".

Looking back and trying to verify the way I have been perceiving the world, I see that beauty has been the greatest value for me. I have always wanted to speak about this value in my own language. Now I do so in my short stories - glimpses in shades of gray. In these works I analyze the things that stike and intrigue me. It feels like looking at a rare diamond which I cut myself.
When meeting somebody for the first time, I often notice non obvious facts beneath the surface - results of prior experiences, memories, complexes and fighting for identity.
However, I never had a chance to meet the people in my paintings. I spotted them while skipping pages of tabloids and photo sessions. I used these characters as a pretext.
 They create an invisible barrier between the reality and the fiction, just like a reflection in a window pane or a mirror.

This is why I base the assumptions about these people on my own life experience. I imagine paint their history as I see it in my imagination. In my opinion, everybody has an inner filter through which they perceive other people in a certain way. They encode traits, smell and gestures...We associate the perception filter with a particular person at the first meeting. Based on it we continue creating a matching image. I follow this pattern in my paintings. I usually paint neutral, not related stories which I join in one emotional tale. My mind is driven by situations that only happen in my imagination. I am their creator. None of the characters in somebody in particular. I refer to layers and pervasion by using a motive of reflections hiding the reality, shredding it into pieces...to never disclose it in full. With reflections as the main motive, these works are a metaphor of human perception, which is never complete and objective. Baudrillard's Simulacra - ecstasy of reality being fed by mass media.

I am a painter for whom it is extremely important to stay frank with myself and the viewer. In my works I strive to capture a hint of my emotions that might have gone too quickly or not happen at all. I call myself a minimalist using a combination or black and white and a whole palette of grayness. I tell stories and paint feelings that permeate though white background of solitude. What has not been presented by colours, I express with texture and temperature of black. Looking at my paintings in a simplified way, you can feel the spirit of a black and white photograph.

I often look for inspiration in fashion coverages, including works of Hedi Slimane. Fashion has always been and will remain my drive.

My Graduation - The Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków